Tuesday, February 14, 2012

As a recent grad of journalism school, I took this assignment into a different context. I took this to mean, what have to done to cover an event. I have never really had to get news coverage for anything (though at work we do all sorts of press releases, both internally and externally) but I couldn't help but think of a broadcast assignment I was given as a day-of news story a year or two ago.

My assignment was to cover a movie release...a small production release about students at a school for the deaf in Los Angeles. I felt like all the cards were stacked against me. Not only did I have to do a two minute broadcast piece about a movie release, but everyone there was either hard of hearing or legally deaf. There was no other mainstream media there...just some j-school kids.

Ultimately, it ended up being fine and we got shots of many of the students talking to each other and shot their hands. We were given a few clips of the movie to fill in for time, but wow that was a hard assignment.

The best way to get press that I know of, is just to throw something up on the City News Service and call around!

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