Thursday, February 16, 2012

Because You Got Lucky

Ok, it's probably not nine to five; it's more like eight to eight with occassional weekends. Yes, it's economy class. And there is wishing that saying goodnight to loved ones was done in person. But it is still so much more than what a large percentage of the world has today; and I think there is something valuable in businesses recognizing an opportuntiy for cause marketing.

There have certainly been critiques that cause marketing is done more so out of greed than giving, but I do think there have been some great achievements. Tom's shoes is a model that is inspiring to many. Not only does Tom's business benefit the American economy and support jobs for thousands , but it also provides some of the most basic needs, shoes, to those in countries that are deprived of this privilege.

We have also seen American business raise awareness for heart disease, breast cancer, voting rights and a variety of other causes. The power to untie people around an issue, gather resources and implement effective change is, in my opionion, a worthwhile effort. In the case of cause marketing, it's acknowledging the reality that resources are not distributed equally and there can be significant benefit when business leverage their resources to support cause marketing.

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