Monday, February 6, 2012

Impulse Buying: We all do it!

I don’t even know where to begin in this week’s blog but I do know that I have a lot to say about impulse buying because I used to do a lot of it. I remember back in the day especially when I first got a hold of my very own plastic is when the fun really began for me. It’s scary for me to think of it now but back then I was young and carefree and didn’t even have to think twice before swiping that plastic card and voila! Before I know it I have a new pair of shoes, or a purse, or a jacket or whatever, and it was totally out of impulse. Although in my defense, I know it wasn’t too bad after all because I know that there could be other people out there who would do more impulse buying than me so I think I’m ok. We all did it at some point in our lives. That’s how we learn to navigate through life and we all get to learn from it too.

Fast forward to the present time, I definitely have a whole new vision when it comes to shopping. I’m not going to lie; I still do shop but very far from how I used to do it before. I’m definitely a careful shopper nowadays, making sure I do my research before making a purchase especially for the big ticket items and of course thanks to Groupon I can actually feel good when I shop! I think that for the most part after seeing what has happened during the recent economic downfall has definitely made an impact on the consumer’s buying behavior. I for one has been very careful and would oftentimes think about whether or not the purchase that I’m about to buy is a necessity or a want. Which is why a lot of stores and merchants are doing everything they can to attract customers to purchase their products from throwing in outrageous deals or coupons and many others.

 It wasn’t too long ago when I decided to do something that not only would be beneficial for me but also to turn my passion into something profitable. When I decided to start my own business, at first I thought that I was being impulsive jumping into something that I definitely do not have any idea about other than it’s makeup but the thing that really got me excited is the fact that I get to shop at half off and the more I shop the more prizes I get to earn! It’s like having the best of both worlds and most especially it’s guilt-free because I can always think of it as an investment for my business. So now I think it’s safe to say that I’ve definitely outgrown my phase when I would buy anything out of impulse although maybe sometimes I would but not all the time I promise!

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