Sunday, February 26, 2012

When I Was Your Age Pluto Was a Planet

To those born in 2016 you may find it shocking to believe that Pluto was once a planet, textbooks were once made of paper and international pen pals, WAY back when, used to required email--video chatting was not available. Technology continues to the evolve the tools we use to communicate and marketers will be paying attention.

What will this mean for internet marketing? Cisco recently forecasted demand for mobile data in 2016 to be eighteen times that of today, driven largely by demand for video data. Hulu places 15-30 second ads throughout their streaming video, and offers users the ability to mark the advertisement as relevant or irrelevant. Fashion websites leverages, short, video walk around of models rather than relying on static images to promote their lines. Will the promotional text message soon be a promotional video message? Will Apple bring Siri's character to life?

I believe it is important for internet marketers to monitor the video trends in the digital space and test new communication tactics in that space. Feedback today is arriving primarily in the form of blog posts, but what happens when a negative review is uploaded by a well-respsected individual.  Does the video increase the negative perception communicated? More importantly, just how far away are we from projections?

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