Monday, February 20, 2012

The Case For Cause Marketing

Cause marketing is becoming increasingly more important in today's world as customers and users connect and talk about the brands that they use and love more and more. No longer is it sufficient for companies to just provide a good product; consumers are also interested in what the company's they choose to support are doing with some of their proceeds to benefit the world around them.

This expectation is playing a larger role in the decision making processes of consumers who have a wide variety of purchase options. Many consumers want to know that they are supporting ethical companies that are in line with their own values.

Not only can a great cause marketing campaign drive new customers to your brand from other companies that are cause neutral, but it can give your brand a great topic of discussion for both the media and your consumers. With social media it is certain that a portion of customers who believe in the cause the company supports will talk about and share that information with people in their friend circle helping to drive word of mouth marketing as well.

With all these factors considered there is plenty of good reason for for-profit companies to team up with non-profits and kick off cause related marketing campaigns to gain exposure and help increase their market-share.

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