Tuesday, January 31, 2012


I know we have already watched this commercial in class...but boy was this ad compelling! If you don't feel some emotion when seeing this, you may want to check for a heartbeat.

I loved this ad from the moment I saw it. My dad was the first one to send it to me.

Google took an extremely emotional and life changing moment and made it's service necessary, even when no one would usually relate email and a new baby. The company showed little clips to tug at the heart strings and create an emotional connection that almost any viewer would remember. I bet there were a lot of expectant parents out there that loved the idea of keeping an online diary of sorts for their newborns, to share every moment as if their child could already see it.

I think the fact that it was a father writing to his daughter made it even more memorable and compelling. A mother wanting to show her child every little moment of the first parts of their life is expected and overdone. However a father writing sweet things to his toddler daughter is without question very rare in ads. It just adds one more element to an adorable ad.

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