Monday, January 16, 2012

Social Media, Past, Present, and Future

My experience with social media dates back about a decade. While living abroad right after college, some friends back stateside introduced me to as a way for us to stay in touch. I remember explaining the concept of the new social media to the uninitiated and feeling almost silly because the idea sounded so strange out loud. Staying in touch and meeting people through the Internet seemed so cold, distant, and impersonal at that time.

Fast forward ten years. The evolution and refinement of social media continued as did my involvement with it: from Friendster, to Myspace, Facebook, Linkedin, Blogger, Sharepoint (at work), and most recently Twitter. I have spent countless hours scouring blogs of people with common interests, researching career/industry information, and staying up-to-date in the world thanks to social media advancements.

I can only dream about what the next ten years holds for us all in the tech world. For my part, I will strive to be an early adopter of new social media.

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