Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Snow, Soccer and a Grumpy Seattleite

Snow is undeniably more fun when you're a kid. This was the primary lesson I learned during #SNOWmageddon here in Seattle last week. Sure, it was great to work from home for a couple days, but something I genuinely wanted to do was canceled TWICE because of snow or snow-related concerns.

I manage a men's soccer team in the Co-Rec Soccer Association. Soccer has proven to be a great way to both exercise and stay in touch with friends from years past, all while playing a particularly mediocre brand of soccer. Unfortunately, our games were canceled each of the last two Sundays. Now, I can understand cancellations for snow in Seattle (where most things are canceled when it snows), but the league uses an arcane system to manage cancellations. Rather than leverage social media to send out instant notifications via Facebook or Twitter, team managers must call a phone number to access a message with cancellation information one hour prior to games.

If this was 1997, I wouldn't mind this system. In 2012 though, it would make my job as manager far easier if the league used a Facebook page or had a Twitter account. Not only could the league use these tools to gain more members, they could placate a number of angry people in times of soccer crisis. Instead of having to try and explain to my team of 18 players why the game is canceled, I could link them to information direct from the league. Heck, I've been doing this for our team for years already. If I can do it, how hard can it be?

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