Monday, January 30, 2012

Love Puppies and Kittens, Hate Sarah McLachlan

Back in December the Social Media Club of Tacoma hosted a social media brainstorming event at the Tacoma-Pierce County Humane Society. The Humane Society already utilized Facebook but wanted some ideas for how to build specific campaigns that they could promote online.

As the event was wrapping up I commented to one of my coworkers that I found it surprising that after more than 20 years working for the Humane Society in different capacities, their Development Director was remarkably unjaded and still seemed to feel genuine compassion for the thousands of animals that came through her facility each year. I casually asked her about the well-known BC SPCA television commercial featuring video clips of puppies and kittens set to a tear-jerking song by Sarah McLachlan. You know the one:

Are you crying yet? Or did you mute it or pause it because you remember the first time you saw it and it made you bawl like a baby? 

I originally found it very compelling (as did many other people) but after a couple views I couldn't stand to watch it any more. I, like many of the people I've casually asked, now mute the television or change the channel as soon as I see the ad come on because it's thoroughly depressing.

My question for you is: At what point should an organization like that change its message? Their ad was extremely powerful and drove people to action the first couple times they saw it, but now people actually avoid watching the ad. Do you think the SPCA is just going for the "one time sale" when it comes to donations? Or are the subscribing to the "no such thing as bad press" belief? I mean, that ad is 4 or 5 years old... but we're still talking about it.

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